New Year, New Sensory Frontiers.

Leveraging AI technologies to enhance the sensory research process

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Phiala Mehring, Sensory Experience Director

31 Jan, 2024 | 3 minutes

In the realm of AI-driven sensory and consumer research, we've identified three pivotal areas where advanced technologies can significantly enhance research capabilities.


AI technologies can play a transformative role in redefining traditional sensory approaches. By employing AI, we're breaking free from the confines of the classic sensory lab, allowing sensory panels to assess products in real-world scenarios, mirroring consumer experiences. The world has become our new sensory lab! Currently, our Sensory chatbot is undergoing training, leveraging our extensive sensory expertise, both from our sensory scientists and our sensory panellists. Watch out for updates about our new approaches which objectively deconstruct product experiences.


AI technologies prove invaluable in expediting data capture and streamlining operational processes. We are currently utilizing language models for vocabulary development. We're also actively developing agile sensory solutions capable of providing sensory data on the discriminating attributes of product sets within days, a stark contrast to the traditional weeks-long timeline. All with the invaluable expertise from MMR’s AI expert Jonathan Sands, PhD.


Creating predictive models and linking sensory data to other forms of data, for example, synthetic data. We have a team of experts working on this, integrating AI to create predictive models that elevate our understanding of sensory experiences. This is a case of ’watch this space’ (and we are quite excited).

To achieve our ‘front’ and ‘mid’ end goals we’ve established a Sensory Innovation Panel, which we immersed into the world of Gen AI. The Innovation panel runs in a completely different way from a conventional Trained/Expert Sensory Panel. This is a much more collaborative way of working, showcasing AI technologies to the panel, getting them involved in testing, and working with them. This approach brings together the panelists' product deconstruction and sensory profiling expertise with AI technology, creating tech-fuelled creativity and efficiencies.

What have we learnt?

Harnessing AI Collaboration:

Embracing the true potential of AI involves viewing it as a collaborative partner. Genuine sensory expertise is the driving force behind this, enabling us to understand when and where to leverage AI for efficiency gains and where the insight of a sensory scientist is indispensable for guidance and quality control. It's this synergy that propels us forward in the pursuit of innovation.

Strategic Tech Application:

A strategic approach to technology involves first understanding your desired outcome and then shaping and applying technology accordingly, rather than succumbing to the allure of the latest trend. The best approach is goal-oriented. This focused application ensures that technology serves our objectives, not the other way around.

Test, Learn, and Adapt:

The journey towards innovation is a process of testing and learning (and sometimes, making mistakes), gradually escalating complexity. Embracing the learning opportunities inherent in piloting new technology is key. Whether you're navigating this path independently or opting for our support, the emphasis is on evolving and adapting, ensuring that technology aligns seamlessly with your objectives.

If you want to learn more about getting the most from AI, explore this blog by Ansie Collier, our Global Innovation Director at Nova.

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